Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Biomedical Engineering Demo Course was held at SANKO Career Days

SANKO Career Days and University Fair was held at Private SANKO Schools on 27 February. Within the scope of the event, which offers important opportunities to university candidates, students met with academicians and received detailed information about the departments they want to choose.

Demo lessons were also held within the scope of the event. Students participating in these lessons both experienced university life and received guidance for decision-making processes during the preference period.

Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Çakır Hatır came together with the students with a demo lecture. She explained the education programme and career opportunities of the department to the engineering candidates. She also advised students on how they should follow a path in choosing a profession. With this meeting, university candidates had the opportunity to ask questions about academic career and developments in the field of biomedical engineering.