Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

TÜV SÜD Visit by Our Industrial Engineering Students

A group of Industrial Engineering students at İstinye University visited TUV SUD through our “Mentor'un CEO Olsun” programme. Industrial Engineering Faculty Member Dr. Nadi Serhan Aydın and Sector Cooperation Office officials also accompanied the students on the visit.

Our students were accepted by TÜV SÜD General Manager of Turkey Emre Büyükkalfa and his team. TUV SUD provides inspection, certification, testing, consulting and training services in quality, security, and sustainability areas and in major sectors such as energy, manufacturing, infrastructure, real estate, automotive at more than 1000 locations all around the world.

On the visit, our students had a chance to watch a detailed presentation by the TUV SUD officials where they learned about the company and to ask questions regarding the sector to Emre Buyukkalfa and his team. You may find more information though their website tuvsud.com or tuv-sud.com.tr . Also, you may watch the video here.