Assoc. Prof.
Bahman Arasteh Abbasabad
Yazılım mühendisliği alanında yüksek lisans derecesini Arak Azad Üniversitesi'nden, doktora derecesini ise İslami Azad Üniversitesi Tahran Bilim ve Araştırma Şubesi'nden yazılım mühendisliği alanında aldı. Halen İstanbul İstinye Üniversitesi'nde doçent olarak görev yapmaktadır. Hakemli uluslararası dergilerde ve konferanslarda 50'den fazla makalesi yayınlanmıştır. Springer elektronik test dergisinin koordinatör editörüdür ve Elsevier, Springer, Wiley ve Hindawi'deki farklı uluslararası dergilerin hakemidir. Araştırma alanları arasında arama tabanlı yazılım mühendisliği, Yazılım testi, optimizasyon algoritmaları, yazılım hata toleransı ve yazılım güvenliği yer almaktadır.
Araştırma Alanları
- Yazılım Mühendisliği
- Yazılım Test ve Otomasyon Teknikleri
- Optimizasyon teknikleri ve yazılım mühendisliğinde kullanımı
- Optimizasyon algoritmalarının geliştirilmesi
- yazılım bakım yöntemleri ve araçları
Çalışma Alanları
- Mühendislik Temel Alanı
- Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği
- Bilgisayar Yazılımı ve Yazılım Mühendisliği
- Yapay Zeka
- Makine Öğrenmesi
- Advances in Manta Ray Foraging Optimization: A Comprehensive Survey, 2024
- Securing internet of things using machine and deep learning methods: a survey, 2024
- A hybrid chaos-based algorithm for data object replication in distributed systems, 2024
- A self-predictive diagnosis system of liver failure based on multilayer neural networks, 2024
- A quality-of-service aware composition-method for cloud service using discretized ant lion optimization algorithm, 2024
- Detecting SQL injection attacks by binary gray wolf optimizer and machine learning algorithms, 2024
- Sahand: A Software Fault-Prediction Method Using Autoencoder Neural Network and K-Means Algorithm, 2024
- A Cost-effective and Machine-learning-based method to identify and cluster redundant mutants in software mutation testing, 2024
- A metaheuristic approach based on coronavirus herd immunity optimiser for breast cancer diagnosis, 2024
- Efficient software mutation test by clustering the single-line redundant mutants, 2024
- A new binary chaos-based metaheuristic algorithm for software defect prediction, 2024
- Effective test-data generation using the modified black widow optimization algorithm, 2024
- Two-pronged feature reduction in spectral clustering with optimized landmark selection, 2024
- A software defect prediction method using binary gray wolf optimizer and machine learning algorithms, 2024
- Effective Software Mutation-Test Using Program Instructions Classification, 2024
- A Bioinspired Test Generation Method Using Discretized and Modified Bat Optimization Algorithm, 2024
- A Modified Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm and Its Application in the Program Source Code Clustering, 2023
- A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm Using Artificial Agents for Data Replication Problem in Distributed Systems, 2023
- Generating the structural graph‐based model from a program source‐code using chaotic forrest optimization algorithm, 2023
- Program Source-Code Re-Modularization Using a Discretized and Modified Sand Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm, 2023
- An intrusion detection method to detect denial of service attacks using error-correcting output codes and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference, 2023
- Slime Mould Algorithm: A Comprehensive Survey of Its Variants and Applications, 2023
- A divide and conquer based development of gray wolf optimizer and its application in data replication problem in distributed systems, 2023
- A Novel Metaheuristic Based Method for Software Mutation Test Using the Discretized and Modified Forrest Optimization Algorithm, 2023
- Intrusion detection in internet of things using improved binary golden jackal optimization algorithm and LSTM, 2023
- Identifying top influential spreaders based on the influence weight of layers in multiplex networks, 2023
- Meet User’s Service Requirements in Smart Cities Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Optimization Algorithm, 2023
- A fast module identification and filtering approach for influence maximization problem in social networks, 2023
- A bioinspired discrete heuristic algorithm to generate the effective structural model of a program source code, 2023
- Identifying influential nodes based on new layer metrics and layer weighting in multiplex networks, 2023
- A discrete heuristic algorithm with swarm and evolutionary features for data replication problem in distributed systems, 2023
- A multi-objective mutation-based dynamic Harris Hawks optimization for botnet detection in IoT, 2023
- Discovering overlapping communities using a new diffusion approach based on core expanding and local depth traveling in social networks, 2023
- FIP: A fast overlapping community-based influence maximization algorithm using probability coefficient of global diffusion in social networks, 2022
- Program source code comprehension by module clustering using combination of discretized gray wolf and genetic algorithms, 2022
- An Improved Farmland Fertility Algorithm with Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem, 2022
- Clustered design-model generation from a program source code using chaos-based metaheuristic algorithms, 2022
- Düzen: generating the structural model from the software source code using shuffled frog leaping algorithm, 2022
- A Source-code Aware Method for Software Mutation Testing Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, 2022
- Traxtor: An Automatic Software Test Suit Generation Method Inspired by Imperialist Competitive Optimization Algorithms, 2022
- Savalan: Multi objective and homogeneous method for software modules clustering, 2021
- Programming-level and redundancy-free method for enhancing software reliability against transient errors in hardware, 2021
- ARAZ: A software modules clustering method using the combination of particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms, 2021
- Mutation reduction in software mutation testing using firefly optimization algorithm, 2020
- Software reliability enhancement against hardware transient errors using inherently reliable data structures, 2020
- An error-propagation aware method to reduce the software mutation cost using genetic algorithm, 2020
- Bölen: software module clustering method using the combination of shuffled frog leaping and genetic algorithm, 2020
- ReDup: A software-based method for detecting soft-error using data analysis, 2019
- SFLA based heuristic method to generate software structural test data, 2019
- An efficient and stable method to cluster software modules using ant colony optimization algorithm, 2019
- Software Fault-Prediction using Combination of Neural Network and Naive Bayes Algorithm, 2018
- A Program-Aware Fault-Injection Method for Dependability Evaluation Against Soft-Error Using Genetic Algorithm, 2018
- Programming guidelines for improving software resiliency against soft-errors without performance overhead, 2018
- Improving the Resiliency of Software Against Soft-Errors Without External Redundancy and Performance Overhead, 2017
- An Efficient Method to Generate Test Data for Software Structural Testing Using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm, 2017
- An input variable partitioning algorithm for functional decomposition of a system of Boolean functions based on the tabular method, 2015
- An efficient vulnerability-driven method for hardening a program against soft-error using genetic algorithm, 2015
- A New Strategy for Optimizing Energy and Delay in MCSMAC Protocol, 2014
- Highly Available and Dependable E-learning Services Using Grid System, 2014
- Developing Inherently Resilient Software Against Soft-Errors Based on Algorithm Level Inherent Features, 2014
- A New Distributed and Power-Efficient Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 2013
- An Adaptable Job Submission System Based on Moderate Price-Adjusting Policy in Market-Based Grids, 2013
- Handbook of Whale Optimization Algorithm, ISBN: 9780323953658, 2023
- English for It Students, ISBN: 964-978-10-5673-7, 2020, 2018
- Springer Book Series on Computer Science and Convergence, ISBN: 978-94-007-2792-2, 2022
- Computer Science and Convergence. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISBN: 978-94-007-2792-2, 2012
- Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 184. Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, ISBN: 978-3-642-22333-4, 2011