Dr. Özüdoğru was born in Istanbul on September 30, 1975. After graduation from Ahmet Şimşek Private High School of Istanbulin 1993, she studied Biology, section Molecular Biology in Istanbul University and graduated in 1997. She has received her MSc. (2000) and PhD. (2005) at the Molecular Biology Department of the Gebze Institute of Technology, (GIT, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey) (the institute is currently called ‘Gebze Technical University’). Her research field then was focused on plant tissue culture and application of PCR-based molecular markers to plant germplasm. In 2005, she performed a 1-year Post-doc stage at the Ivalsa, Trees and Timber Institute of Florence, belonging to National Research Council of Italy, and gained expertise on in vitro conservation and cryopreservation of plant germplasm. During the period of 2005-2010, she participated actively to the development of ‘Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Biology’ and ‘Plant Conservation and Cryopreservation’ laboratories of the GIT. She received the position of Assistant Prof. in 2007 and gave lectures on ‘Plant Physiology’ and ‘Conservation of Plant Biodiversity’ to the MSc. and PhD. students during 2007-2010. She was back to Ivalsa Institute (Italy) in 2010, where she worked as a researcher until 2018. She received her Assoc. Prof. title on December 2012, while still in Italy. Her research area is focused on in vitro plant propagation (micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, organogenesis, TIS bioreactors, synthetic seed technology), in vitro conservation, cryopreservation, plant molecular biology and gas choromatographic analysis. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the ISI International Journals, ‘Biologia Plantarum’ and ‘Propagation of Ornamental Plants’, and reviewer of ISI International Journals (among which are; ACTA Physiologiae Plantarum, Biotechnology Advances, CryoLetters, Horticultural Science, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, Journal of Botany, Journal of Horticultural Science, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Turkish Journal of Botany).
Araştırma Alanları
- In Vitro Conservation
- Cryopreservation
- Plant Molecular Biology and Gas Choromatographic Analysis
- Use of Liquid Culture with the ElecTIS Bioreactor for Faster Recovery of Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) Shoots from Conservation at 4 °C, 2023
- Establishment of an efficient somatic embryogenesis protocol for giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and multiplication of obtained shoots via semi-solid or liquid culture, 2023
- Establishment of Direct Organogenesis Protocol for Arachis hypogaea cv. Virginia in Liquid Medium by Temporary Immersion System (TIS), 2022
- Long-term preservation of Cicer arietinum L. germplasm by in vitro propagation and cryopreservation., 2020
- Encapsulation of in vitro-derived propagules of two genotypes of Capparis spinosa (L.) from Pantelleria Island, 2020
- Biobanking of vegetable genetic resources by in vitro conservation and cryopreservation, 2020
- Temporary immersion system for micropropagation of tree species: A bibliographic and systematic review, 2019
- Strategies for Fast Multiplication and Conservation of Forest Trees by Somatic Embryogenesis and Cryopreservation: a Case Study with Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.), 2018
- Conservazione in vitro in crescita rallentata di specie ornamentali: progressi e risultati del progetto ‘VITROFLOR’, 2013
- Sviluppo di una criobanca per la conservazione a -196°C di gemme dormienti da antiche varietà di melo del Veneto, 2013
- Innovazione nella crioconservazione di germoplasma vegetale., 2013
- Advances in the safe storage of micropropagated woody plants at low temperature, 2013
- In vitro conservation of redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) by slow growth storage and cryopreservation, 2012
- In vitro conservation of ornamental plants by slow growth storage, 2012
- Conservazione in vitro di specie ornamentali mediante crescita rallentata: progetto ‘VITROFLOR’, 2011
- Micropropagation of fruit rootstocks in Italy, 2011
- Cryopreservation of ancient apple cultivars of Veneto: A comparison between PVS2-vitrification and dormant-bud techniques, 2011
- Preliminary Results on Carrizo citrange synthetic seeds dessiccation and PVS2-vitrification as pre-treatments to Cryopreservation, 2011
- Zeytin (Olea europaea L.) bitkisinin geçici daldırma biyoreaktör sistemleri (TIS) ile in vitro sürgün çoğaltımı iyileştirilmesi, 2010
- La propagazione “in vitro” dei portinenesti e delle specie da frutto., 2010
- Fattori che influiscono sulla conservazione in crescita rallentata di specie da frutto, 2009
- Micropropagazione di Arachis hypogaea mediante coltura liquida in immersione temporanea, 2009
- Development of a cryopreservation procedure for peanut (Arachis hypogaea) embryonic axes and its application to local Turkish germplasm, 2009
- Application of cryopreservation for pistachio germplasm conservation, 2009
- The current status of plant genetic diversity in Turkey and implications for cryopreservation studies, 2007
- Effect of mannitol and ABA on induction of somatic embryogenesis in tea, 2006
- Optimization of an efficient micropropagation protocol and assessment of plant genetic fidelity by RAPD markers in pistachio (Pistacia vera L., 2006