Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Academic Members

Prof. Hüseyin Ali Nesin

Hüseyin Ali Nesin

1976-1981. Université Paris VII, Mathematics (Licence and Maîtrise) 1981-1985. Yale University, PhD in mathematics. Subject : Model theory of groups. PhD thesis title : Groups of Finite Morley Rank. 1985-1986. Post-doc at UC Berkeley’. 1987-1988. Visiting assistant professor at Notre Dame University. 1989-1996. Assistant professor, associate professor and full professor at UC Irvine. 1996 and after. Mathematics Department of İstanbul Bilgi Üniversity (chair). Around 40 academic research papers. An academic book in English (with Alexander Borovik): Groups of Finite Morley Rank, Oxford University Press. Edited an English book (with Anand Piiay). Around 20 books in Turkish. Leelavati and Koç prizes.

Araştırma Alanları

  • mathematical logic
  • algebra
  • Model theory