Assoc. Prof.
İbrahim Furkan İnce
İbrahim Furkan İnce received his Ph.D. in Information Technology (IT) Convergence Design from the Graduate School of Digital Design, Kyungsung University, Busan, South Korea, in 2010. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Tokyo, Japan, from 2010 to 2012. From May 2012 to May 2014, he worked as a Chief Research Engineer at Hanwul Multimedia Communication (HMC) Co., Ltd. in Busan, South Korea. After his time at Hanwul Multimedia Communication, he served as a researcher and faculty member in several universities in Turkey and South Korea from 2014 to 2024. He is currently working as an Associate Professor in Software Engineering department at İstinye University. His research interests include image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and human-computer interaction.
Araştırma Alanları
- Artificial Intelligence
- Image Processing
- Human Computer Interaction
Çalışma Alanları
- Mühendislik Temel Alanı
- Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği
- Görüntü İşleme
- Yapay Zeka
- İnsan-Bilgisayar Etkileşimi
- Enhancement of Eye Socket Recognition Performance using Inverse Histogram Fusion Images and the Gabor Transform, 2025
- Anomaly-based Alzheimer's Disease Detection using Entropy-based Probability Positron Emission Tomography Images, 2024
- Machine Learning for Enhanced Classroom Homogeneity in Primary Education, 2024
- Iterative Histogram Equalization using Discrete Wavelet Transform in Low-Dynamic Range, 2023
- Deep learning based automatic vertical height adjustment of incorrectly fastened seat belts for driver and passenger safety in fleet vehicles, 2022
- A Case Study: Unsupervised Approach for Tourist Profile Analysis by K-means Clustering in Turkey, 2022
- Low dynamic range discrete cosine transform (LDR-DCT) for high-performance JPEG image compression, 2022
- Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathological Images Using DenseNet and Transfer Learning, 2022
- Performance boosting of image matching-based iris recognition systems using deformable circular hollow kernels and uniform histogram fusion images, 2022
- A Comparative Study of Image Descriptors in Recognizing Human Faces Supported by Distributed Platforms, 2021
- Shape retrieval using angle-wise contour variance, 2021
- Unsupervised Anomaly Approach to Pedestrian Age Classification from Surveillance Cameras Using an Adversarial Model with Skip-Connections, 2021
- Energy Coherent Fog Networks Using Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks, 2021
- Superiority Measure of Pupil Center Localization Algorithms based on Statistical Tests, 2020
- Performance Boosting of Scale and Rotation Invariant Human Activity Recognition (HAR) with LSTM Networks Using Low Dimensional 3D Posture Data in Egocentric Coordinates, 2020
- MID Filter: An Orientation-Based Nonlinear Filter For Reducing Multiplicative Noise, 2019
- Human activity recognition with analysis of angles between skeletal joints using a RGB‐depth sensor, 2019
- Object Tracking from Laser Scanned Dataset, 2019
- Beyin Tümörü Tespitinde Görüntü Bölütleme Yöntemlerine Ait Başarımların Karşılaştırılması ve Analizi, 2018
- Tam Sayı Programlamada Açgözlü ve Sezgisel Aramalar ile 0/1 Sırt Çantası Problemine Yeni Bir Bakış, 2018
- A Low-Cost Pupil Center Localization Algorithm Based on Maximized Integral Voting of Circular Hollow Kernels, 2018
- Human Identification Using Video-Based Analysis of the Angle Between Skeletal Joints, 2018
- Using Biometric Features on Long Distance Videos for Accurate Pedestrian Age Classification, 2017
- Child and Adult Classification using Biometric Features based on Video Analytics, 2017
- Direction-Based Modified Particle Filter for Vehicle Tracking, 2016
- Fast Video Fire Detection Using Luminous Smoke and Textured Flame Features, 2016
- Developing a mobile application to better inform patients and enable effective consultation in implant dentistry, 2016
- An Automatic Monitoring System for Vehicle Drivers, 2016
- Designing Optimum Vehicle Tracking Systems Using CamShift Algorithm for Multi-Channel Video Surveillance Applications, 2015
- Computer Game Controlled by Eye Movements, 2015
- Estimation of Camera Ego-Motion for Real-Time Computer Vision Applications, 2015
- An Automatic System for Elevator Monitoring, 2015
- Usability Enhancement for 3D CAPTCHA Model: Subjective Evaluation of Design Parameters on KLM Execution Time, 2014
- Applying the Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational Theory into the Design of Mobile Worked Examples Applications, 2014
- A 2D eye gaze estimation system with low-resolution webcam images, 2011
- Hand Mouse: Real Time Hand Motion Detection System Based on Analysis of Finger Blobs, 2010
- A Korean CAPTCHA Study: Defeating OCRs In a New CAPTCHA Context By Using Korean Syllables, 2009
- Designing CAPTCHA Algorithm: Splitting and Rotating the Images against OCRs, 2008
- Participatory design and evaluation of e-learning system for Korean language training, 2009
- Execution Time Prediction for 3D Interactive CAPTCHA by Keystroke Level Model, 2009
- ANFIS supported question classification in computer adaptive testing (CAT), 2009
- A New Low-Cost Eye Tracking and Blink Detection Approach: Extracting Eye Features with Blob Extraction, 2009
- A Practical Speed and Performance Enhancement of CamShift Trackers for Video Surveillance Systems, 2012
- Cascaded Detection and Multi-Featured Particle Filtering for Vehicles, 2012
- Benchmarking Data Mining Methods in CAT, 2011
- Patch-wise periodical re-occurrence analysis of motion for real-time video fire detection, 2014
- Patch-wise periodical correlation analysis of histograms for real-time video smoke detection, 2014
- Subjective Evaluation of Prototypes and Task Complexities for Mobile Phone Usability, 2014
- Computer engineering students’ readiness and motivations for using dialog games in collaborative learning, 2016
- Gait analysis and identification based on joint information using RGB-depth camera, 2017
- Real-time Joint Based Human Activity Recognition using RGB-Depth Camera, 2017
- Application of maximized inter-class variance for gender classification using RGB-depth camera, 2017
- Classification of Geographical Features from Satellite Imagery, 2018
- An Automatic System for Elevator Monitoring,
- Computer Game Controlled by Eye Movements,
- Estimation of Camera Ego-Motion for Real-Time Computer Vision Applications,
- The use of deliberates practices on a mobile learning environment, 2012
- A User Study: The Effects of Mobile Phone Prototypes and Task Complexities on Usability, 2009
- Investigation of New Statistical Features for BCI Based Sleep Stages Recognition through EEG Bio-signals, 2014
- Unity3D Ortamında Derin Pekiştirmeli Öğrenme ile Eğitilen Uçakların Performansı, 2023
- Scale and Rotation Invariant Human Activity Recognition based on Body Relative Direction in Egocentric Coordinates, 2020
- Aviation Technologies and Applications, ISBN: 978-605-338-471-7, 2025
- İşletme Biliminden Seçkin Araştırmalar , ISBN: 978-625-7502-64-1, 2021
- Applications of Computational Science in Artificial Intelligence, ISBN: 9781799890126, 2022