A new article by Asst. Prof. Dr. Saliha Karadayı Usta from Department of Industrial Engineering entitled "A novel neutrosophic AHP-Copeland approach for distance education: towards sustainability" is now available online in Interactive Learning Environments journal.

Dr. Erfan Babaee from Department of Industrial Engineering was included in the list of the most influential scientists in the world, prepared annually by scientists from Tirkolaee, Elsevier and Stanford University.

The project titled “Simulation-based Scenario Analysis for the Integration of EV Charging Units into Fuel Stations in the context of Sustainable Cities” by the Industrial Engineering 4th-year students has been accepted for a TÜBİTAK 2209-A Project Grant (cycle 2022/1).

Simio has approved your grant request for Istinye University Department of Industrial Engineering.

Within the scope of an agreement signed between the Department of Industrial Engineering and SAP, an enterprise resource planning software company, Istinye University joined the SAP University Alliance program.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Uyumsoft Information Systems and Technologies signed a protocol for cooperating in the areas of education, training, and scientific activities.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee, Department of Industrial Engineering, has started editing a CfP: Special Issue on “Agri-Food 4.0 in Sustainable Agriculture Supply Chain” in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER) at Elsevier.

Dr. Nadi Serhan Aydın, Department of Industrial Engineering, participated at the mini-symposium titled “Financial Informatics: Information-Based Asset Pricing and Beyond” as part of the Conference on Mathematics of Data Science organized by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee, Department of Industrial Engineering, started a new position as the Associate Editor of an international journal with a high impact factor (IF: 8.665) named Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA) at Elsevier, which publishes articles on the design, development, testing, implementation and/or management of expert and intelligent systems and aims to provide practical guides in the development of these systems

Istinye University Department of Industrial Engineering has signed new Erasmus+ agreements for student/staff exchange partnership with Poznan University of Technology and Politehnica University of Bucharest (Romania).

At the meeting held with KoçDigital officials, various student-centered collaboration ideas were addressed

New article by Asst. Prof. Dr. Saliha Karadayı Usta is published in Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.

Prof. Şenol Pişkin as the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department of Istinye University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences is the executive and researcher of, has been accepted as part of Horizon 2020 - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - Individual Fellowship call.

Ataberk Özaydın, a freshman at the Department of Software Engineering in our Faculty of Engineering, developed a new mobile app with his software team of five following a 3-month study. The team’s app shortly achieved success on app markets.

Our Faculty of Engineering Faculty Member Explained the software used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the Field of Artificial Intelligence.

MATLAB Campus License is now available for use at the Istinye University Faculty of Engineering. MATLAB can be used in many different application areas such as modeling, simulation, computational mathematics, data analytics and algorithm development, and will contribute significantly to our faculty’s mission of "computational engineering". MATLAB software is available for use by all academic and student members of the faculty.

A new paper by Dr. Nadi Serhan Aydın (with Prof. Dr. Martin Rainer) titled “A robust bi-objective mathematical model for disaster rescue units allocation and scheduling with learning effect” has been published in Computers & Industrial Engineering. The paper proposes a novel bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for allocating and scheduling disaster rescue units considering the learning effect. The presented decision support model is expected to help decision-makers of emergency relief centers to provide efficient planning for rescue units during natural disasters.

Istinye University Department of Industrial Engineering has signed an Erasmus+ agreement for student/staff exchange partnership with the Department of Industrial Engineering at Politehnica University of Bucharest (Romania). Within the scope of the program, students who are at least 2nd grade will be eligible to apply for an Erasmus grant of 3-12 months to study at the partner university. Students who wish to apply to the program must apply through the International Office.

The project submitted to 2535 TÜBİTAK-MSRT Joint Project Call by Dr. Nadi Serhan Aydın in collaboration with Iranian researchers Prof. İraj Mahdavi and Dr. Erfan Babaee’s, and titled “Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Mathematical Modeling and Dynamic Programming for Sustainable Mass Production Planning” has been selected for grant. The project aims to solve a multi-objective optimization problem in manufacturing by implementing environmental, economic and social sustainability criterias within the model through a multi-criteria decision making algorithm, thereby developing a sustainability-based production model. Dr. Mustafa Mısır, our Head of Computer Engineering, is also taking part in the project.

A new paper by Nadi Serhan Aydın (with Prof. Dr. Martin Rainer) titled “Asset-backed Stable Numéraire Approach for Sustainable Valuation” is accepted for publication in the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment. The article reveals the de-stabilizating effect on financial and non-financial asset prices of the conventional evaluation instruments in the field of financial engineering such as “stochastic short rate” and provides a new sustainability-based financial “benchmark” for asset valuation.