Araştırma Alanları
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- Mikro ve Nano Mekanik
Çalışma Alanları
- Mühendislik Temel Alanı
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- Katı Cisimler Mekaniği
- Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi
- Biyomekanik
- Comprehensive analysis of bio-inspired laminated composites plates using a quasi-3D theory and higher order FE models, 2024
- Transient analysis of bio-inspired shear and normal deformable laminated composite plates using a higher-order finite element model, 2024
- A Quasi-3D theory for bending, vibration and buckling analysis of FG-CNTRC and GPLRC curved beams, 2024
- Bending, free vibration and buckling finite element analysis of porous functionally graded plates with various porosity distributions using an improved FSDT, 2024
- Nonlinear dynamic response of FG-GPLRC beams induced by two successive moving loads, 2024
- Transient dynamics of 2D-FG porous microplates under moving loads using higher order finite element model, 2023
- Transient vibration analysis of strain gradient multi-directional functionally graded microplates under a moving concentrated load, 2023
- Higher order finite element models for transient analysis of strain gradient functionally graded microplates, 2023
- Bending, buckling and free vibration analyses of shallow-to-deep FG curved sandwich beams using a global–local refined shear deformation theory, 2023
- Bending, buckling and free vibration behaviours of 2D functionally graded curved beams, 2023
- Size-dependent behaviours of functionally graded sandwich thin-walled beams based on the modified couple stress theory, 2023
- Prediction compressive strength of cement-based mortar containing metakaolin using explainable Categorical Gradient Boosting model, 2022
- Super learner machine‐learning algorithms for compressive strength prediction of high performance concrete, 2022
- Finite element formulation of metal foam microbeams via modified strain gradient theory, 2022
- Free vibration of axially loaded zigzag and armchair nanobeams using doublet mechanics, 2021
- Structural behaviours of zigzag and armchair nanobeams using finite element doublet mechanics, 2021
- Finite element model for carbon nanotube-reinforced and graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced composite beams, 2021
- A comprehensive study on the size-dependent analysis of strain gradient multi-directional functionally graded microplates via finite element model, 2021
- Vibration behaviors of two-directional carbon nanotube reinforced functionally graded composite plates, 2021
- A quasi-3D theory for functionally graded porous microbeams based on the modified strain gradient theory, 2021
- Bending, vibration, buckling analysis of bi-directional FG porous microbeams with a variable material length scale parameter, 2021
- Radial basis Taylor series method and its applications, 2020
- Vibration of functionally graded shear and normal deformable porous microplates via finite element method, 2020
- Structural dynamics and stability analysis of 2D-FG microbeams with two-directional porosity distribution and variable material length scale parameter, 2020
- Bifurcation buckling conditions of FGM plates with different boundaries, 2020
- Free vibration and buckling analysis of laminated composites and sandwich microbeams using a transverse shear-normal deformable beam theory, 2020
- Size-dependent behaviors of three directional functionally graded shear and normal deformable imperfect microplates, 2020
- A quasi-3D theory for functionally graded porous microbeams based on the modified strain gradient theory, 2020
- Size-dependent behaviour of functionally graded sandwich microbeams based on the modified strain gradient theory, 2020
- On the vibration of size dependent rotating laminated composite and sandwich microbeams via a transverse shear-normal deformation theory, 2019
- Size dependent flapwise vibration analysis of rotating two-directional functionally graded sandwich porous microbeams based on a transverse shear and normal deformation theory, 2019
- Buckling of laminated composite and sandwich beams due to axially varying in-plane loads, 2019
- Flexure Analysis of Laminated Composite and Sandwich Beams Using Timoshenko Beam Theory, 2018
- Bending analysis of composite and sandwich beams using Ritz method, 2018
- Analytical Solutions for Buckling Behavior of Two DirectionalFunctionally Graded Beams Using a Third Order Shear Deformable Beam Theory, 2018
- Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Two Directional Functionally Graded Beams Using a Four-Unknown Shear and Normal Deformable Beam Theory, 2018
- Size dependent bending analysis of two directional functionally gradedmicrobeams via a quasi-3D theory and finite element method, 2018
- Free vibration analysis of two directional functionally graded beams using a third order shear deformation theory, 2018
- Evaluation of the Effects of the Chincup Appliance on the CraniofacialStructures by the Finite Element Analysis, 2017
- Evaluation of the Effects of the Dental and Skeletal Anchored Face MaskTherapies on the Craniofacial System by Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, 2017
- Static Analysis of Reddy-Bickford Composite and Sandwich Beams via Ritz Method, 2017
- Static behaviour of two-directional functionally gradedsandwich beams using various beam theories, 2017
- Flexural analysis of laminated composite and sandwich beams using a four-unknown shear and normal deformation theory, 2017
- Bending behaviour of two directional functionally graded sandwichbeams by using a quasi-3d shear deformation theory, 2017
- Analysis of isotropic tapered beams by using symmetric smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, 2016
- Elastostatic deformation analysis of thick isotropic beams by using different beam theories and a meshless method, 2016
- Analysis of Bending Deflections of Functionally Graded Beams by Using Different Beam Theories and Symmetric Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, 2016
- Different Implementation Approaches of the Strong Form Meshless Implementation of Taylor Series Method, 2015
- Bending Deflection Analysis of a Semi Trailer Chassis by Using Symmetric Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, 2015
- Strong Form Meshless Implementation of Taylor Series Method, 2013
- Solutions of Two Dimensional Heat Transfer Problems by Using Symmetric Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method, 2012
- Bending Analysis of Two Directional Functionally Graded Beams Using A Four-Unknown Shear and Normal Deformation Theory,
- On the Calculation of Deflection of a Semi Trailer Chassis Under Various Loading Conditions An Experimental and Numerical Investigation, 2015
- An Analytical Solution for Elastostatic Analysis of Two Directional Functionally Graded Beams Using a Four-Unknown Shear and Normal Deformation Theory,
- Elastostatic analysis of two-directional functionally graded sandwich beams using various beamtheories and a meshless method,