Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi

Title: Our 2021 Molecular Biology and Genetics student Begüm Işıkgil won a 6-month research grant from the European Association for Immunodeficiencies and worked with Dr. H. (Hanna) IJspeert and Dr. V.A.S.H. In the Dalm consultation “Can haploinsufficienc

Our 2021 Molecular Biology and Genetics student Begüm Işıkgil won a 6-month research grant from the European Association for Immunodeficiencies and worked with Dr. H. (Hanna) IJspeert and Dr. V.A.S.H. In the Dalm consultation “Can haploinsufficiency of NFKB1 result in hypereosinophilia?” will carry out his research.