1987 yılında Malatya`da doğdu. 2009 yılında Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümünden Lisans derecesi ile mezun oldu. Lisans eğitimi süresinde çesitli Avrupa Birliği Bursları ile Siuliai University, Litvanya`da eğitim aldı. Nükleer Fizik alanında 2009 yılında Yüksek Lisans, 2014 yılında ise Doktora derecesi elde etti. Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora eğitimi süresince Türk Hızlandırıcı Merkezi TARLA projesi için Bremsstrahlung Deney alanının ekipmanlarını Monte Carlo simülasyon teknikleri ile modellenmesinden sorumlu oldu. Lisansüstü eğitimi süresinde Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR), Almanya`da Bremsstrahlung deney alanında çalışmalara katıldı. 2015 yılında Yardımcı Doçent, 2018 yılında ise Doçent Ünvanı aldı. Türk Medikal Radyoteknoloji Dernegi (TMRT-Der) Bilim Kurulu Baskanlığı ve İnternational Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (İSRRT) Avrupa Eğitim Direktörlüğü görevlerini yürüttü. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Medikal Radyasyon Araştırma Merkezi (USMERA) kurulumu ve müdürlüğü görevlerini 2015-2019 yılları arasında sürdürmüştür. Türk Fizik Derneği tarafından 2018 yılında “Prof. Dr. Şevket Erk Genç Bilim İnsanı” ödülüne layık görülmüştür. Jeroen Baas ve ekibi tarafından yayınlanan en etkili bilim insanları listesinde %2 lik dilime yayın ve atıf kriterlerinden dolayı üst üste iki yıl seçilmiştir. Tekin, aynı zamanda Sirbistan Cumhuriyeti Bilimsel Araştırma Fonunun (Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia) bilimsel danışmanlığını yapmaktadır. Monte Carlo simülasyonlarında MCNP radyasyon taşınımı kodunu kullanmaktadır. Nükleer Fizik ve Medikal uygulamaları alanında bir çok yeni geometri ve simülasyon tasarımı gerçekleştirmiştir. Radyasyon zırhlaması için yeni malzemelerin tasarımları ve optimizasyon çalışmalarında Dünya`nın farklı ülkelerinden gruplarla calışmaktadır. Matematiksel modellemeler ve bilgisayar destekli fiziksel çözümlerin Nükleer Fizik problemlerine uygulanması ve çözüm metotları üzerine calışmalar gerçekleştirmektedir. Bir çok farklı uluslararası dergide editorial görevler yürütmektedir. Tekin evli ve bir çocuk babasıdır.
Araştırma Alanları
- Nükleer Fizik
- Monte Carlo Simülasyonları
- Radyoloji
- Bremsstrahlung
- Fantom Modelleme
- zırhlama malzemeleri
- Scrutinizing the physical, structural, elastic, optical and gamma ray shielding properties of Samarium ions infused Niobium Bariumtelluroborate glasses, 2023
- Towards obtaining the optimum physical, optical and nuclear radiation attenuation behaviours of tellurite–germanate glasses through Eu2O3 reinforcement: Glass synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterisation study, 2023
- Bismuth(III) oxide and boron(III) oxide substitution in bismuth-boro-zinc glasses: A focusing in nuclear radiation shielding properties, 2023
- Gadolinium-tungsten-boron trioxide glasses: A multi-phase research on cross-sections, attenuation coefficients, build-up factors and individual transmission factors using MCNPX, 2023
- Elucidating the influences of Tantalum (V) oxide in Bi2O3–TeO2–ZnO ternary glasses: An experimental characterization study on optical and nuclear radiation transmission properties of high-density glasses, 2023
- Gallium (III) oxide reinforced novel heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses: A focusing study on synthesis, optical and gamma-ray shielding properties, 2022
- Synthesis and characterization of newly developed phosphate-based glasses through experimental gamma-ray and neutron spectroscopy methods: Transmission and dose rates, 2022
- Characterization of Ultramafic–Alkaline–Carbonatite complex for radiation shielding competencies: An experimental and Monte Carlo study with lithological mapping, 2022
- Thermal and Optical Characteristics of Synthesized Sand/CeO2 Glasses: Experimental Approach, 2022
- Dielectric, structural, optical and radiation shielding properties of newly synthesized CaO–SiO2–Na2O–Al2O3 glasses: experimental and theoretical investigations on impact of Tungsten(III) oxide, 2022
- Synthesis and structural, electrical, optical, and gamma-ray attenuation properties of ZnO-multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) composite separately incorporated with CdO, TiO2, and Fe2O3, 2022
- Heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses as an effective member of glass shield family: A comprehensive characterization on gamma ray shielding properties of various structures, 2022
- A thorough examination of gadolinium (III)-containing silicate bioactive glasses: synthesis, physical, mechanical, elastic and radiation attenuation properties, 2022
- Binary contributions of Dy3+ ions on the mechanical and radiation resistance properties of oxyfluoroborotellurite Dyx-glasses, 2022
- Nuclear shielding performances of borate/sodium/potassium glasses doped with Sm3+ ions, 2022
- Petrology and geochemistry of multiphase post-granitic dikes: A case study from the Gabal Serbal area, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt, 2022
- An experimental evaluation of CdO/PbO-B2O3 glasses containing neodymium oxide: Structure, electrical conductivity, and gamma-ray resistance, 2022
- Analysis of the Radiological, Mineralogical and Long-Term Sustainability of Several Commercial Aswan Granites Used as Building Materials, 2022
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Attenuation Characteristics of Some Sliding Bearing Alloys under 0.015–15 MeV Gamma-Ray Exposure, 2022
- Evaluating the optical and gamma-ray protection properties of bismo-tellurite sodium titanium zinc glasses, 2022
- A rapid and direct method for half value layer calculations for nuclear safety studies using MCNPX Monte Carlo code, 2022
- Fabrication of newly developed tungsten III-oxide glass family: Physical, structural, mechanical, radiation shielding effectiveness, 2022
- Occupational radiation dose assessment for nuclear medicine workers in Turkey: A comprehensive investigation, 2022
- Experimental and FLUKA evaluation on structure and optical properties and γ-radiation shielding capacity of bismuth borophosphate glasses, 2022
- Mechanical properties, elastic moduli, transmission factors, and gamma-ray-shielding performances of Bi2O3–P2O5–B2O3–V2O5 quaternary glass system, 2022
- Physical, structural, mechanical and radiation shielding features of waste pharmaceutical glasses doped with Bi2O3, 2022
- Comparative assessment of fast and thermal neutrons and gamma radiation protection qualities combined with mechanical factors of different borate-based glass systems, 2022
- Mechanical properties as well as gamma-ray attenuation competence: a wide-ranging examination into Tb3+ doped boro-germanate-aluminiophosphate (BGAP) glasses, 2022
- The significant role of WO3 on high-dense BaO–P2O3 glasses: transmission factors and a comparative investigation using commercial and other types of shields, 2022
- Synthesis and experimental characterization on fast neutron and gamma-ray attenuation properties of high-dense and transparent Cadmium oxide (CdO) glasses for shielding purposes, 2022
- Towards better understanding of structural, physical and radiation attenuation properties of the granites in Aegean region of Turkey: İzmir and Kütahya Provinces, 2022
- Impact of molybdenum on optical, structure properties and gamma radiation shielding parameters of bor-ophosphate glass: Intensive experiment investigations, 2022
- Newly synthesized NiCoFeCrW High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Multiple impacts of B4C additive on structural, mechanical, and nuclear shielding properties, 2022
- Synergistic effect of boron nitride and graphene nanosheets on behavioural attitudes of polyester matrix: Synthesis, experimental and Monte Carlo simulation studies, 2022
- Four-phases characterization of synthesised CeO2 thin films: Effect of molarity on structural, optical, physical properties and gamma-ray attenuation parameters, 2022
- CdO-rich quaternary tellurite glasses for nuclear safety purposes: Synthesis and experimental gamma-ray and neutron radiation assessment of high-density and transparent samples, 2022
- Fabrication, physical, structure characteristics, neutron and radiation shielding capacity of high-density neodymio-cadmium lead-borate glasses: Nd2O3/CdO/PbO/B2O3/Na2O, 2022
- Gamma ray shielding properties of CeO2-added hydroxyapatite composite, 2022
- Diagnostic and therapeutic radioisotopes in nuclear medicine: Determination of gamma-ray transmission factors and safety competencies of high-dense and transparent glassy shields, 2022
- Calculation of NaI(Tl) detector efficiency using 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K radioisotopes: Three-phase Monte Carlo simulation study, 2022
- Structural and Gamma-Ray Attenuation Properties of Different Resin Composites for Radiation Shielding Applications, 2022
- Transmission factors, mechanical, and gamma ray attenuation properties of barium-phosphate-tungsten glasses: Incorporation impact of WO3, 2022
- Boron nitride nanosheet-reinforced WNiCoFeCr high-entropy alloys: the role of B4C on the structural, physical, mechanical, and radiological shielding properties, 2022
- Utilization of artificial intelligence approach for prediction of DLP values for abdominal CT scans: A high accuracy estimation for risk assessment, 2022
- Optical and radiation shielding properties of Sm3+ ions embedded bismuth-based fluorophosphate glasses for γ-ray shielding and multi-band visible laser applications, 2022
- ZnO/CdO translocation in P2O5-TeO2-ZnO ternary glass systems: A reformative enhancement tool for physical, optical, and heavy-charged particles attenuation properties, 2022
- Comprehensive evaluation on gamma radiation resistance of chromium (III) ions incorporated bismuth fluoro-lead-borate glasses, 2022
- Towards a better understanding of detection properties of different types of plastic scintillator crystals using physical detector and MCNPX code, 2022
- Heavy metal oxide added glassy portable containers for nuclear waste management applications: In comparison with reinforced concrete containers, 2022
- Tailoring critical material properties of some ternary glasses through ZnO/CdO alteration: a focusing study on multiple behavioral changes, 2022
- Fabrication, optical, structural, and gamma-ray attenuation properties of novel slag-waste glasses as superior shields: An exploring journey for waste to glass transformation, 2022
- Clinical comprehensive and experimental assessment of the radioprotective effect of Annona muricata leaf extract to prevent cellular damage in the ileum tissue, 2022
- A focusing study on radioprotective and antioxidant effects of Annona muricata leaf extract in the circulation and liver tissue: Clinical and experimental studies, 2022
- Development of acceptable quality radiation dose levels for common computed tomography examinations: A focused multicenter study in United Arab Emirates, 2022
- Radiation dose assessment in multiple injured patients using whole-body computed tomography, 2022
- A closer look at the efficiency calibration of LaBr3(Ce) and NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors using MCNPX for various types of nuclear investigations, 2022
- A critical evaluation on nuclear safety properties of novel cadmium oxide-rich glass containers for transportation and waste management: Benchmarking with a reinforced concrete container, 2022
- Establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scans in the United Arab Emirates, 2022